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Calendario esami Maggio 2021 - Ottobre 2021

È disponibile nella sezione "Calendario Esami" il calendario degli esami per i corsi di studi di Ingegneria Informatica, Laurea e Laurea Magistrale, da Maggio 2021 a Ottobre 2021.

Il calendario sarà progressivamente aggiornato in caso di modifiche da parte dei docenti. Si raccomanda di consultare la bacheca degli avvisi del proprio docente per maggiori informazioni sugli esami.

NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC 21)

The NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC) brings together a global community of developers, researchers, engineers, and innovators to experience innovation and collaboration.  Students and beginning developers will find a variety of sessions to spur your imagination, begin your journey, and discover the endless possibilities of AI and Data Science. Registration for GTC is Free and will give you access to 1000+ live sessions, interactive panels, demos, research posters, and more.

  • Discover how GPUs are used to solve the most challenging problems in every industry
  • Learn about the breakthroughs of the most innovative organizations.
  • Attend hands-on training and creative workshops

This amazing weeklong event kicks off with a must-see keynote, by NVIDIA's CEO Jensen Huang, on April 12th at 8:30 am PDT full of exciting announcements--and some surprises.

Below is a small selection of some of the topics that will be covered throughout the 4-day conference. Developers of all skill levels will be able to benefit from these sessions. Visit the GTC website to build your calendar, and view the entire agenda.

Special Topics

Gaming & VR

Media & Entertainment

Computer Vision and Autonomous Vehicles

Retail, Smart City & Transportation:

Manufacturing & Sustainability:



Hands-On Training (Students can get 20% off Hands-on Training by using the code DLIEDU20):

Loop Q PRIZE Contest – AI/ML Competition

Loop AI Group is pleased to invite all University Students enrolled in European universities to participate in the Loop Q PRIZE Contest 2021, a competition that aims to stimulate young students to creatively use algorithms of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.


Application Deadline

Students can express their interest in participating in the contest by registering at the following link: by Sunday, April 25th, 2021, at 24:00 (CET)



The Winner’s Prize for the best AI/ML/DL solution is 5,000 euro. 


About the Loop Q PRIZE Contest

All student participants will have to individually solve a specific problem assigned to them, by using AI/ ML/ DL algorithms. The participants will present their papers and results with a scientific publication, accompanied by a short explainer video (maximum 2 minutes).

A team of experts (Judging Panel) will evaluate each project and will identify the winners.

For the contest Advisory Board and Judging Panel, Loop AI Group invited many luminaries from the international universities and digital innovation business so that the students will also have a great opportunity to showcase their know-how to the world. 


Sedute di Laurea in Ing. Informatica - Marzo 2021 (agg. 24 Marzo)

Le sedute di Laurea e di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica di Marzo 2021 si terranno sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Sarà possibile accedere attraverso la funzione "Partecipa a un team con un codice":

  • Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica (N46), Commissione A, 16 Marzo 2021, ore 14:30, presidente prof. Domenico Cotroneo - codice i1l3jma
  • Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica (N46), Commissione B, 18 Marzo 2021, ore 14:30, presidente prof. Domenico Cotroneo - codice letwg94
  • Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica (M63), Commissione A, 25 Marzo 2021, ore 10:00, presidente prof. Antonio Pescapè - codice bblk4vl
  • Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica (M63), Commissione B, 26 Marzo 2021, ore 9:00, presidente prof. Carlo Sansone - codice jarpuri (YouTube:
  • Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica (M63), Commissione C, 30 Marzo 2021, ore 10:00, presidente prof. Domenico Cotroneo - codice xjaoxaj (YouTube:

Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare i presidenti delle commissioni tramite email o Microsoft Teams.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 24 Marzo 2021, ore 12:00.

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